Robert Venosa art with text by Terence McKenna
Craftsman House, Australia, 1999
A comprehensive retrospective of Robert Venosa’s art throughout his entire artistic career.
An artist of high accomplishment, much of his work reflects images of his inner mindscapes. His book, Illuminatus, further defines the genre of Fantastic Realism (Surrealism, Visionary, Hypo-realism, Psychedelic). With a preface by the Australian author, Nevill Drury, and essays by a host of artist-contemporaries such as Mati Klarwein. Ernst Fuchs, HR Giger, Illuminatus is simply a mind-expanding book.
"Tantamount to Venosa's extraordinary art is the accompanying text by...Terence McKenna, art historian, writer, and leading spokesperson for the myriad explorers of mind-altering substances...His talent for word crafting is par excellence and his text in Illuminatus is as illustrious as Venosa's artwork.
Both have explored our ultimate frontier, the wilderness of mind. They return from their travels in the noosphere and ... bring us a volume the nature and calibre of which has never before been published."
-Richard Carey, Four Winds, Boulder, CO-
Today, Illuminatus remains a classic.
Product details
Publisher : Craftsman House
First Edition 1999
Language : English
Full color: 240 pages,
With 175 illustrations (150 in color).
Cloth-bound hard cover : 11” x 12”.

The Paintings of
Robert Venosa
Pomegranate, USA, 1991
This book showcases the masterful artistry and fathomless vision of Robert Venosa. The text gives us a road map of his journey, but it is through his paintings - reproduced here in vivid color - that we catch a glimpse of the man and begin to understand the depth and passion of his life's work.
Celestial, mythological, fantastic, futuristic, surreal, erotic --words alone cannot describe the infinite beauty of Venosa's creations. They must be experienced and savored, examined and re-examined, if one is to know their full impact.
This book represents the evolved work of the artist with many portraits and views into light-filled vistas.
A collector's limited edition cassette coatining 3 limited edition , numberde fine art prints are avi;bale.
- Please inquire below-
Product details
Publisher : Pomegranate
First Edition 1991
Language : English
Hardcover : pages
Size: cm

'Mana's Manna'
Bob Venosa
Big O Publishing, London, 1978
This is the first published book by Bob Venosa and represents his early work and inspirations. The neo-psychedelic and spiritual artist was born in New York City In the 1960's he was part of the same social scene as Hendrix, Miles Davis and Timothy Leary, all of which admired his work. Influenced by LSD and the spirit of his time, his art has an explicit other-worldly feel, and was praised highly by Salvador Dali in the 1970's.
The volume contains artwork in the tradition of Fantastic Realism with spiritual, alchemical, psychedelic, magical and kabbalistic influences. The The numerous micron-microscope inspired illustrations were created in Venosa's luminous signature style in the mediums of oil on canvas and ink drawings on paper. With handwritten texts on spiritual themes by the author.
Product details
Publisher : Big O Publishing Ltd
First Edition (January 1, 1978)
Language : English
Harcocer & Paperback : 78 pages
Size: 28 x 21,5 cm.

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